Primary Education Program on Value based Skills. VidyaPeeth is primary education programme of Prayatna, NGO based in Gurgaon, which focuses on development of value-based skills in students.
VidyaPeeth is primary education programme of Prayatna, NGO based in Gurgaon, which focuses on development of value-based skills in students. It targets students of age group 6 to 10 years, as these years are basis of learning life skills. Aim of this programme is to mix up traditional values of education with logical reasoning of modern times. Main motive behind VidyaPeeth is to inculcate moral values, spiritual resilience, power of conscience, and mental strength in students. It is destined towards bringing educational reforms as besides bookish knowledge, students are taught to be better individuals so that they would be able to work in efficient manner for future of our society.
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